
cowboy hat 〔美國〕牛仔帽。

cowboy suit

Lennon ' s black cowboy hat is expected to fetch between $ 15 , 200 to $ 19 , 000 , bonhams auction house said tuesday . lennon wore it during an august 1969 photo shoot that followed the beatles ' final recording session 據波漢姆斯拍賣公司透露,列儂的黑色牛仔帽有望賣到15200到19000美元。列儂在1969年8月照的一張照片里戴著這頂帽子,這張照片拍了沒多久披頭士就錄了他們最后一張唱片。

Early advisors , assigned to “ in - country “ duties , wore , besides standard webbing and gears , custom made “ camouflage “ cowboy hats , and leather holsters , both brought along from the states and made in - country 早期駐南越的軍事顧問除了穿戴公發的制服及裝備外,更特別訂造迷彩布牛仔帽,皮制牛仔槍袋。

He wears the big texas cowboy hat that oliphant gives him to emphasize what the cartoonist considers his immaturity and dependence on a group of ruthless senior advisors 奧列芬特這樣畫是想強調他眼中的布什是不成熟的,而且依賴那些缺乏同情心的高層幕僚。

A cowboy hat , such as that worn by the archetypal aussie bushman in the “ crocodile dundee “ movies , was also given to leaders 霍華德總理還為領導人們準備了一款類似影片《鱷魚鄧迪》中澳大利亞原始叢林人戴的牛仔帽。

And he always wore the same kind of hat . it was a cowboy hat , a large black hat of heavy wool 他總是戴一個樣式的帽子,一頂大大的粗羊氈做的黑色牛仔帽。

Stu : i don ' t have any cows . or a horse or a cowboy hat , for what matter 史都:我一只牛都沒有。更沒有馬或牛仔帽,針對這點來說。

Cowboy hat is off the door 牛仔帽已經不在門上了

He looked like a farmer ? he was slim and wore a straw cowboy hat 他看起來像個農民,個頭挺高,戴一頂牛仔草帽。

No cowboy hat this weekend 這個周末沒什么牛仔帽了

Look at the handsome man in a cowboy hat ! he ' s smiling at us 看!那個戴頂牛仔帽的帥哥,他正在對我們笑呢。

What that cowboy hat on the door means 門上的牛仔帽是什么意思

Wait a minute . let me put on a cowboy hat 等等,讓我戴上這頂牛仔帽。

Son of a bitch in an oversized cowboy hat and boots 這個狗雜種戴著頂大號牛仔帽穿著大靴子